CropManage is an online decision support tool for assisting growers and farm managers in determining water and nitrogen fertilizer applications on a field-by-field basis. The software automates the calculation of crop water needs using weather data and crop development models. It also estimates fertilizer N requirements by combining infield measurements with models of crop N uptake and soil and crop residue mineralization. This web-based application also helps growers maintain records of irrigation schedules and nitrogen fertilizer applications on multiple fields. It allows users from the same farming operations to view and share data.
CropManage was originally developed by UC Cooperative Extension and is currently free to use. It can be accessed at: The application can be accessed with a web browser using a smartphone, laptop, or tablet computer. The tool uses up-to-date secure login procedures to protect user data. Only individuals designated by the ranch owner can view and/or edit water, fertilizer, and soil and plant sample records for a specific ranch.
CropManage was designed to be intuitive for growers and farm managers to navigate and use. Once logged on, users can view a list of ranches/farms that they have permission to access and create new ranches.

Each ranch contains a list of current (active; green) crops referred to as plantings and a list of past (inactive; grey) plantings. Each planting has a planting card that summarizes the planting and field names, crop type, planting configuration, and planting and harvest dates.

Planting cards show upcoming and past irrigation, fertilizer, and soil sample events. Users can add new events by selecting the appropriate icon or view all events by choosing the table or list at the bottom right of the card.

Get started using CropManage by visiting our “Let’s Get Started” tutorial or view an introductory video on CropManage.