Each commodity and subcategory of the commodity (crop type) has specific parameters that are used in the irrigation and nitrogen recommendation models. These parameters can be adjusted in crop settings. Adjusting some settings, such as maximum canopy cover or seasonal nitrogen uptake, will customize the recommendation models for the site-specific conditions of your crop. Other settings are hidden because the user would be less likely to know how to adjust the values and can greatly affect the performance of the models.
You can view the crop settings for the user to adjust by clicking on the “crop settings tab” at the bottom of the “planting settings” page.

The settings that are recommended to be adjusted by the user will vary by commodity. In the example below for broccoli, total (seasonal) N uptake, previous crop (which relates to previous crop residue), and maximum canopy are the most important settings for the user to adjust. The valuje for maximum N recommendation will limit the maximum amount of nitrogen fertilizer that CropManage will recommend for a single fertilizer event. Hovering your cursor over the small “i”‘s next to the parameter name will provide more information about the crop setting.

Selecting “Show all settings” will reveal all the parameters used in the CropManage recommendation models. These should not be adjusted unless you have an understanding of the parameter effects on the models.