Setting up plantings for multiyear crops such as trees and vines

There are a few steps that are different in setting up plantings for perennial crops such as trees and vineyards. First, the start and end dates of the crop are not very obvious for perennial crops. Intuitively, you may think that an orchard should span multiple years. However, CropManage treats each year of an orchard […]

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Adding/editing rainfall and ET data to a planting

Perhaps you do not live near a public weather station that is connected to CropManage, or you have your own rainfall and evapotranspiration data that you collected at your farm, and you want to use this data in CropManage. Can you set up a planting and use your own weather data? Absolutely. However, you must […]

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Adjusting crop settings

Each commodity and subcategory of the commodity (crop type) has specific parameters that are used in the irrigation and nitrogen recommendation models. These parameters can be adjusted in crop settings. Adjusting some settings, such as maximum canopy cover or seasonal nitrogen uptake, will customize the recommendation models for the site-specific conditions of your crop. Other […]

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Adjusting soil settings

The soil type of the planting is used to estimate plant-available water stored in the soil profile. The value for soil organic matter is used to estimate nitrogen mineralization during the season. CropManage assumes that the soil type of the planting is the same as the soil type of the planting area. However, you may […]

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Add a new planting

After setting up a ranch, plantings can be added by clicking on the “add new planting” button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. An “add planting” form will display. Enter the planting name, and select a commodity and then an appropriate crop type. A crop type is a subcategory of the commodity, such […]

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Adjusting irrigation settings

  Users can adjust the irrigation settings for a planting following the steps below: Under planting settings, open the irrigation settings tab If you plan to irrigate the planting using more than one water source, indicate the percentage of water that will be applied from each source. The sum of all percentages must equal 100. […]

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