Select Commodities

CropManage supports many commodities, but you may grow only a few of them. To keep your list of commodities short, you will need to associate the commodities and the “crop types” that you grow with your ranch so that they are available when you create new plantings. In ranch settings, select the green “+” sign […]

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Adding a Water Source

Crops are irrigated from a water source such as a well, canal, or river. The salinity and nitrogen content of the water can affect crop growth. The nitrogen in irrigation water can often supply a portion of the N requirements. CropManage can help you determine the nitrogen contribution from the irrigation water. At this time, […]

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Adding Members to a Ranch

You probably will want to give other people access to your ranch so that they can either view or enter irrigation or fertilizer events for your plantings. In ranch settings you can add new members to your ranch. Each member needs to have CropManage login credentials. Only the ranch manager or members with permission can […]

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Adding and Managing Planting Areas

Planting areas are the geographical areas of a farm or a ranch where crops are planted and often referred to as fields, lots, blocks, paddocks, orchards, etc.  The planting area retains information about the soil type and the latitude and longitude of where you are growing your crop.  Add a new planting area under ranch […]

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Selecting Weather Stations

CropManage requires evapotranspiration data for estimating crop water use.   The software can automatically import reference evapotranspiration and precipitation data from any weather station that is part of the California Irrigation Management and Information System (CIMIS) operated by the California Department of Water Resources. Every ranch in CropManage must be associated with one or more CIMIS […]

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Adding and Managing Fertilizers

A customized list of fertilizers used on your ranch is needed for CropManage to provide nitrogen fertilizer recommendations in units of fertilizer (gallons of fertilizer or pounds of fertilizer). In addition to the percentage of nutrients in the fertilizers, the density is needed for liquid (wet) products to convert between lbs and gallons. Create a […]

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